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As one of the fans of Downcast, girlfriend to the drummer (Dave) & illustrator on the album cover thought I’d let you know my views of the band!!! (On a less formal note) Their style of music is well... loud!!!!! After listening to the C.D it hit me they are really good!!! Of course Turn & Run is my favourite song, the atmosphere in the Pale when it was played was fantastic!! Its one of those songs that gets everyone going! Martin really got the crowd on a high; even a certain longhaired guy (James) got up and started moshing, which made us all smile....not just Aidan!!! Its class to see them actually getting up there and enjoying themselves while entertaining us lot!

They really deserve all the support from fans and their families, they worked hard for this and it’s great to see it all paying off. Right I’ll stop rambling on¦ keep up the good work lads and hope the Upcoming gigs are as successful!!

See you all at the next gig!                  


Jenni xxx



uv all prod heard bout the new songs from dave but dey sound class!1 is very summery wit a downcast feel 2it,the other 2 r v rock but 1is like a continuation of the sound of turn&run,which every1knows is mt favorite,so listen out4 tat!good luck on sunday and i'll c u all on the 25th may,or 26th or 27th!!!!!




hiya guys well done on website it looks great:) im looking forward to hearing you at your next gig - I was very impressed with the last gig I went to.well done on battle of bands and im sure youll do as well in the next heat of the competition.


Linda Fowley



HEY GUYS A little late I know but a huge CONGRATS on your win in Doran’s last Wednesday “ You Rocked!! It was tough going there for awhile between yourselves and the opening solo act but somehow you managed to pull it off!!! Anyhow I have absolutely no doubt that there will be similar results for yee in the final on April 20th!!! Unfortunately I’m unable to make it to the gig in ‘The Village’ this Wednesday :( but I’m sure I’ll have many more opportunities to see Downcast play there in the future! Just a final note to say a big *HAPPY BIRTHDAY* to a certain bass player who’s celebrating his birthday today (Mon 7th) “ Have a good one Aidan!!! Enjoy the gig on Wednesday Guys, See you all soon Elaine!!!

Elaine Byrne.


great band, great songs. the EP looks THE SHIT! great website. gota get along to see you guys live... soon!

Brian (Fatdog Recording Studios)


Savage gig in the Hub lads. Sorry couldn't make the Bankers... (would I have fitted in the venue anyways?!!?!) Keep the gigs goin' strong :)

Half Dead (Trev)

Hello Dave, Martin and Aidan! Its Jenni's friend Linda...i'd just like to say that i thought The Hub gig was pretty damn good, but the Solas gig was better, you's played "long time gone" really well (its my personal favourite!) I really enjoyed doin the camera too! Anyway just wanted to show my support...best of luck with your future gigs! Love Linda! 

Linda Martin